Welcome to Sidra Diagnostic Center. SDC provides latest technologically and economically appropriate diagnostic and prognostic investigations.
For Blood and Sample collection at your door step simply call us on 9167 00 77 33 or WhatsApp on 9167 00 11 33.
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pathology test is a test that examines samples of your body's tissues, including your blood, urine, faece..
Minerals assay testing laboratory of choice for mining and exploration companies. Intertek Mineral laboratories.
Pharmaceutical Research is a peer-reviewed, open access online. the entire spectrum of pharma and pharmaceutical science


We Employ The Ltst Research
Technology & Company

Paramedical healthcare field attracts to save lives & helping people, being a doctor is not your only choice. We how else you can help patients without being a doctor, here we serving awesome opportunity for society lives.

Sample Preparation 70%
Environmental Testing 80%
Advanced Microscopy 90%

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Our collaboration projects between the public sector, industry and academia bring a real impact for the our health and lab firms.


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